
To receive a full refund, we must receive all products (even free or bonus products) back at our fulfillment center within 60 days of the original order. Inside the package, include a written or printednote with the following information:

Order ID number
Shipping name and address
Contact information
Original packing slip

Failure to meet any of the above requirements will void any refund obligations. Ship-ping costs for returns are the responsibility of the purchaser.Your refund will be issued to the payment provider through which the purchase was made once the return is received in the manner outlined above. Depending on your payment provider’s processing times, please allow 3-5 business days for the refund to clear.

International Orders

International shipping fees are non-refundable under any circumstances. Refunds, however, can be issued for returns on international orders and these will be processedaccording to the same requirements as listed above.Shipping costs for international returns, including any customs charges or additional fees incurred, are again the responsibility of the purchaser.

Physical Returns Address

Sumatra Tonic
285 Northeast Ave
Tallmadge, OH 44278

All Righs Reserved
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